The “MECHMERIZE” event organized under the banner of MECSICO was inaugurated on 22-09-2016.The event was inaugurated with the recitation of holy Quran followed by a welcome speech by the head of the department, Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Fazlur Rahman. A brief introduction of MECSICO was given by the MECSICO coordinator, Prof. M.A. Nadaf. The chief guest of the function, Dr. Krishnaraja Kodancha, Professor KLE University, briefly shared his views and also praised the Mechanical Engineering branch saying “I never saw such disciplined mechanical student audience in my career of 24 years!”. At the end of the first session, Principal, Dr. Mushtaq Bhavikatti and the president of function, Janab Abdul Rahman Siddiqui, Secretary of AITM shared their views about the event and inspired the students. The second session was a technical talk by the chief guest which was of great benefit and value to the students. He shared his ideas for the selection and preparation of project for Mechanical Engineering students. Also with the help of a presentation and survey, he showed the scope of Mechanical Engineers in India and all over the world.
After the inaugural function, a couple of technical events where conducted named CUESTIONARIO TECNICO (Technical Quiz) and MINDSTORM (Aptitude Test). The winners were awarded with prizes.