Teaching is more than a profession for the faculty of AITM- for them, it is a passion. They translate academics into meaningful classroom experiences and prepare the students to face challenges in their professional careers.
Faculty of AITM have distinguished academic background with several years of teaching experience behind them. Besides producing world-class research, several of them are editors of top academic and research journals.
Expert lectures by the guest speakers from various disciplines supplement the educational expertise of in-house faculty members which in turn ensures high input knowledge to our students. Our faculty are sponsored to attend seminars, workshops and faculty development programmes arranged at the institutions and organisations situated outside, throughout the year, so as to enable them to update their knowledge base.
An enviable faculty to student ratio and low batch strength in the laboratory during practical classes ensure that student’s learning is adequate and assessment is proper.
AITM Research Centre is linked to various divisions of the state government and VTU such that any initiative gets linked to AITM. Link is also established with the central government organizations, NITs and IITs. The Centre’s help is extended to e-learning, study notes preparation, presentations, seminar report preparation, documentations, project work finalization of students etc.