The department of Mechanical Engineering organized a one day Expert Lecture – 2016 (Series – 2) under the the banner of Mechanical Students Innovative Council (MECSICO) on Monday 29th February 2016. Dr. Virupakshi Auradi, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of Research, Siddaganga Institute of Technology delivered the talk. This programme was specifically conducted for the engineering and polytechnic students. Around 100 students from engineering and 45 students from R.N. Shetty Rural Polytechnic participated in the above programme. The speaker gave an insight on preparation of undergraduate projects on Aluminium 6061 based B4C particulate reinforced composites in the forenoon session. A project proposal session was also held in the afternoon session for the final year engineering students. Dr. Padmayya Naik, Professor of Mechanical Engineering introduced the speaker. Syed Awwab, Shehbaaz and Prasad, the MECSICO student coordinators conducted the proceedings. Principal Dr. Mushtaq Bhavikatti, under whose guidance such activities are being conducted, expressed his happiness for staging this event. Vice Principal Prof. Phalachandra, Head of Mechanical Engineering Dr. Fazlurahman, were part of the event.