The 2 days workshop on Networking organised by institute in association with Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, inaugurated here on Sunday. The inaugural session was held in the college auditorium at 10am. The program started with the recitation of the verses from the Holy Quran by Prof. Abdul Tawab. Prof. Taufique Ahmed welcomed the guests and the gathering.
Dr. M.A. Bhavikatti, Principal, in his address said, “It is because of networking we all have become an active member of this global village. In this era of social media and computers, one cannot just ignore the importance of networking. So, there are several security issues with regard to this, which everyone must know. Because, our data should be secured and the privacy of our information is ensured.” I’m sure that this 2 days workshop will help the students to know thoroughly about the networking and the security aspects of it, he added. Anjuman General Secretary Janab Muhammad Ansar Kashimji in his presidential address said that “these kinds of workshop is the bridge between the industry and the students, that means this will give the practical knowledge to the students.”
Around 80 students from colleges and other institutes of Bhatkal took part in this 2 days workshop. Prof. Prashant Naik, presented vote of thanks. Prof. Subramanya Bhagwat (Professor of Computer Science and Media Coordinator), Dr. Udaya Prasanna (Director of Research) and Prof. Zameer Ahmed (Event Coordinator) were present on the dais.