5th April 2016, the institute organised a homecoming event for the alumni on the occasion of Annual Techno-Management Fest, Nebulus 2016. The reunion was attended by pioneering students from the batches of 1980 to the most recent 2015. The event saw a ceremonial start with a get together of Alumnus from various professions and also those who are currently serving at the AITM. President of AITM alumni association and principal thanked all the alumni for being part of this event, he also thanked the members of organising committee, the final year batch and the alumni association coordinator
Prof. Ashraf Ali Zarzari. The alumni who were present for the event were Mr. Javed Haroon, Mr. Muneer Siddique, Mr. Preetam Masurkar, Mr. Thilak Rao, Mr. Abul Hasan, Mr. Sharat and several others. The event was followed by dinner and then the alumni got together with the students for the student interaction meet, where the sound ideas of entrepreneurship and career guidance. The very next day was followed by the tour of campus and a conclusion of event. This event was one of its kind and the very first to happen at the campus.