The Department of Computer Science and Information Science has organized the inauguration function of FOCI and a workshop on “Internet Of Things”(IOT) on 4th September 2016.The event was inaugurated by the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Prof. Abdul Tawab. The welcome speech was given by Prof. Zameer Ahmed followed by the introduction to the chief guest Dr. Noorullah Sharief C by Head of the department, Prof. Imamhusen Patil. The FOCI president Mr. Pavankumar gave the introduction of FOCI (Forum of Computer and Information science) and its achievements. The Chief Guest of function Dr. Noorullah Shareef addressed the gathering by enlightning about the skills needed to get into the corporate sector and importance of “Internet Of Things(IOT) “. Later the Secretary of AITM, Janab Abdul Rahman Siddiqui motivated the students through his thoughts of wisdom. Finally the presidential speech was delivered by our Principal Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed Bhavikatti and vote of thanks was given by our senior professor Subramanya Bhagwat.
After the inaugural function the Chief guest Dr. Noorullah Shareef engaged a seminar on Internet of Things (IOT) in the morning session and there was a hands on experience which was held in the afternoon session about the same topic.