AITM is pleased to announce that the Head and Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Fazlur Rahman was awarded ‘Karnataka Bhusan’ award on 28th July 2017, for his dedication in field of education. Fazlur Rahman has been teaching in AITM since 20 years. He has completed Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering from Visvesvaraya Technological University in 2014. He is specialized in composite materials, materials processing and nanotechnology. He was awarded by state sponsored ‘Karnataka Saanskiritika Academy’ Bengaluru at Nayana Sabhangana, Ravindra Kalashetra premises in Bengaluru city.
Anjuman management, the Principal and staff of AITM congratulates Dr. Fazalur Rahman and wishes him success in his teaching profession and hopes his devotion will further help in improving the standard of education in AITM.