Engineering Mathematics III
Semester 3
The objectives of this course is to introduce students to the mostly used analytical and numerical methods in the different engineering fields by making them to learn Fourier series, Fourier transforms and Z-transforms, statistical methods, numerical methods to solve algebraic and transcendental equations, vector integration and calculus of variations.
Additional Mathematics I
Semester 3
The mandatory learning course Additional Mathematics I aims to provide basic concepts of complex trigonometry, vector algebra, differential and integral calculus, vector differentiation and methods of solving first order differential equations.
Analogue Electronics
Semester 3
This course will enable students to:
- Recall and explain various BJT parameters, connections and configurations.
- Explain and Demonstrate BJT Amplifier, Hybrid Equivalent and Hybrid Models.
- Recall and Explain construction and characteristics of JFETs and MOSFETs.
- Explain various types of FET biasing, and Demonstrate the use of FET amplifiers.
- Demonstrate and Construct Frequency response of BJT and FET amplifiers at various frequencies.
- Define, Demonstrate and Analyze Power amplifier circuits in different modes of operation.
- Demonstrate and Apply Feedback and Oscillator circuits using FET.
Engineering Mathematics I
Semester 1
To enable the students to apply the knowledge of Mathematics in various engineering fields by making them to learn the following:
- nth derivatives of product of two functions and polar curves.
- Partial derivatives
- Vector calculus
- Reduction formulae of integration; To solve First order differential equations.
- Solution of system of linear equations , quadratic forms.
Engineering Physics
Semester 1/2
The Objective of this course is to make students learn and understand basic concepts and principles of physics to analyse practical engineering problems and apply its solutions effectively and meaningfully. To understand building up of models, design issues, practical oriented skills and problem solving challenges are the great task of the course. To know about shock waves and practical applications is the prime motto to introduce new technology at the initial stage of Engineering.
Engineering Chemistry
Semester 1/2
To provide students with knowledge of engineering chemistry for building technical competence in industries, research and development in the following fields:
- Electrochemistry & Battery Technology.
- Corrosion & Metal Finishing.
- Fuels & Solar energy.
- Polymers.
- Water Technology & Nano Materials.
Elements of Civil Engineering and Mechanics
Semester 1/2
The objectives of this course is to make students to learn basics of Civil Engineering concepts and infrastructure development, solve problems involving Forces, loads and Moments and know their applications in allied subjects. It is a pre-requisite for several courses involving Forces, Moments, Centroids, Moment of inertia and Kinematics.
Programming in C and Data Structures
Semester 1/2
The objectives of this course is to make students to learn basic principles of Problem solving, implementing through C programming language and to design & develop programming skills. To gain knowledge of data structures and their applications.
Elements of Mechanical Engineering
Semester 1/2
Students belonging to all branches of Engineering are made to learn certain fundamental topics related to mechanical engineering so that they will have a minimum understanding of mechanical systems, equipment and process.
Computer Aided Engineering Drawing
Semester 1/2
Engineering drawing is an important tool for all Engineers and for many others professionals. It is the language of Engineers. Engineering Drawing communicates all needed information from the engineer who designed a part to the workers who will manufacture it.
The aim of the subject is to equip students with the fundamentals of Computer Aided Engineering Drawing and to further the ability to communicate information by graphical means.
Basic Electrical Engineering
Semester 1/2
- Impart a basic knowledge of electrical quantities such as current, voltage, power, energy and frequency to understand the impact of technology in a global and societal context.
- Provide working knowledge for the analysis of basic DC and AC circuits used in electrical and electronic devices.
- Develop selection skill to identify the type of generators or motors required for particular application.
- Highlight the importance of transformers in transmission and distribution of electric power.
- Emphasise the effects of electric shock and precautionary measures.
- Improve the ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams.
Basic Electronics
15ELN15 / 15ELN25
Semester 1/2
The course objective is to make students of all the branches of Engineering to understand the efficacy of Electronic principles which are pervasive in engineering applications.
Workshop Practice
Semester 1/2
- To impart knowledge and skill to use tools, machines, equipment, and measuring instruments.
- Educate students of Safe handling of machines and tools.
Computer Programming Laboratory
15CPL16/ 15CPL26
Semester 1/ 2
To provide basic principles C programming language. To provide design & develop of C programming skills. To provide practical exposures like designing flowcharts, algorithms, how to debug programs etc.
Engineering Physics Laboratory
15PHYL17 / 15PHYL27
Semester 1/ 2
- The Objective of this course is to make the students gain practical knowledge to co-relate with the theoretical studies. To achieve perfectness in experimental skills and the study of practical applications will bring more confidence and ability to develop and fabricate engineering and technical equipment.
- Design of circuits using new technology and latest components and to develop practical applications of engineering materials and use of principle in the right way to implement the modern technology.
Engineering Chemistry Laboratory
15CHEL17/ 15CHEL27
Semester 1/2
To provide students with practical knowledge of quantitative analysis of materials by classical and instrumental methods for developing experimental skills in building technical competence.
Environmental Studies
15CIV18/ 15CIV28
Semester 1/ 2
- To identify the major challenges in environmental issues and evaluate possible solutions.
- Develop analytical skills, critical thinking and demonstrate socio-economic skills for sustainable development.
- To analyse an overall impact of specific issues and develop environmental management plan.
Constitution of India, Professional Ethics and Human Rights
15CPH18/ 15CPH28
Semester 1/2
- To provide basic information about Indian constitution.
- To identify individual role and ethical responsibility towards society.
- To understand human rights and its implications.
Engineering Mathematics II
Semester 2
To enable students to apply the knowledge of Mathematics in various engineering fields by making them to learn the following:
- Ordinary differential equations
- Partial differential equations
- Double and triple integration
- Laplace transform
Digital Electronics
Semester 3
This course will enable students to:
- Describe, Illustrate and Analyze Combinational Logic circuits, Simplification of Algebraic Equations using Karnaugh Maps and Quine McClusky Techniques.
- Define and Describe Decoders, Encoders, Digital multiplexers, Adders and Subtractors, Binary comparators, Latches and Master-Slave Flip-Flops.
- Describe, Demonstrate, Analyze and Design of Mealy and Moore Models, Synchronous Sequential Circuits, State diagrams and Registers and Counters.
Network Analysis
Semester 3
This course enables students to:
- Describe, Apply and Analyse basic network concepts emphasising Series and Parallel Combination of Passive Components, Source Transformation and Shifting.
- Describe, Apply and Analyse use of mesh and nodal techniques for Formulating the Transfer Function of Networks.
- Apply and Analyse various network theorems in solving the problems related to Electrical Circuits.
- Describe and Analyse two port networks and methods of analysing the Electrical Networks.
Electronic Instrumentation
Semester 3
This course will enable students to:
- Define and Describe accuracy and precision, types of errors, statistical and probability analysis.
- Describe basic functional concepts of various analogue and digital measuring instruments.
- Describe basic concepts of microprocessor based instruments.
- Describe and discuss functioning and types of oscilloscopes and signal generators, AC and DC bridges.
- Recognise and describe significance and working of different types of transducers.
Engineering Electromagnetics
Semester 3
This course will enable students to:
- Define and Describe Columbus’s law and electric field intensity.
- Define and Explain electric flux density, Gauss’s law and divergence.
- Describe energy and potential along with concepts of current and conductors.
- Describe Poisson’s and Laplace’s Equations, and Uniqueness Theorem.
- Define and Describe basic concepts of Magneto-statics by studying the various laws, Stoke’s Theorem and scalar and vector magnetic flux density.
- Explain Magnetic Forces, Materials and Inductance.
- Describe the concepts of time varying fields and Develop Maxwell’s equations in Point and Integral Forms.
- Describe and Compare different Types of Wave Propagation.
Analog Electronics Laboratory
Semester 3
This laboratory course enables students to get practical experience in design, assembly, testing and evaluation of
- Rectifiers and Voltage Regulators.
- BJT characteristics and Amplifiers.
- JFET Characteristics and Amplifiers.
- MOSFET Characteristics and Amplifiers.
- Power Amplifiers.
- RC-Phase shift, Hartley, Colpitts and Crystal Oscillators.
Digital Electronics Laboratory
Semester 3
This laboratory course enables students to get practical experience in design, realisation and verification of
- Demorgan’s Theorem, SOP, POS forms
- Full/Parallel Adders, Subtractors and Magnitude Comparator
- Multiplexer using logic gates
- Demultiplexers and Decoders
- Flip-Flops, Shift registers and Counters
Engineering Mathematics IV
Semester 4
This course will enable students to:
- Formulate, solve and analyze engineering problems.
- Apply numerical methods to solve ordinary differential equations.
- Apply finite difference method to solve partial differential equations.
- Perform complex analysis.
- Interpret use of sampling theory.
- Apply joint probability distribution and stochastic process.
Semester 4
This course will enable students to:
- Familiarize basic architecture of 8086 microprocessor.
- Program 8086 Microprocessor using Assembly Level Language.
- Use Macros and Procedures in 8086 Programs.
- Understand interfacing of 16 bit microprocessor with memory and peripheral chips involving system design.
- Understand the architecture of 8088, 8087 Coprocessor and other CPU architectures.
Control Systems
Semester 4
This course will enable students to:
- Know the basic features, configurations and application of control systems.
- Know various terminologies and definitions for the control systems.
- Learn how to find a mathematical model of electrical, mechanical and electromechanicalsystems.
- Know how to find time response from the transfer function.
- Find the transfer function via Masons‟ rule.
- Analyze the stability of a system from the transfer function.
Signal and Systems
Semester 4
This course will enable students to:
- Understand the mathematical description of continuous and discrete time signals and systems.
- Analyze the signals in time domain using convolution difference/differential equations
- Classify signals into different categories based on their properties.
- Analyze Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems in time and transform domains.
- Build basics for understanding of courses such as signal processing, control system and communication.
Principles of Communication Systems
Semester 4
This course will enable students to:
- Design simple systems for generating and demodulating AM, DSB, SSB and VSB signals.
- Understand the concepts in Angle modulation for the design of communication systems.
- Design simple systems for generating and demodulating frequency modulated signals.
- Learn the concepts of random process and various types of noise.
- Evaluate the performance of the communication system in presence of noise.
- Analyze pulse modulation and sampling techniques.
Linear Integrated Circuits
Semester 4
This course will enable students to:
- Define the basic concepts of OP-Amp.
- Define and describe various parameters of Op-Amp, its characteristics and specifications.
- Discuss the effects of Input and Output voltage ranges upon Op-Amp circuits.
- Sketch and Analyze Op-Amp circuits to determine Input Impedances, output
- Impedances and other performance parameters.
- Sketch and Explain typical Frequency Response graphs for each of the Filter circuits showing Butterworth and Chebyshev responses where ever appropriate.
- Describe and Sketch the various switching circuits of Op-Amps and analyze its operations.
- Differentiate between various types of DACs and ADCs and evaluate the performance of each with neat circuit diagrams and assuming suitable inputs.
Microprocessor Laboratory
Semester 4
This course will enable students to:
- Get familiarize with 8086 instructions and DOS 21H interrupts and function calls.
- Develop and test assembly language programs to use instructions of 8086.
- Get familiarize with interfacing of various peripheral devices with 8086 microprocessor for simple applications.
Linear ICS and Communication Laboratory
Semester 4
This laboratory course enables students to:
- Design, Demonstrate and Analyze instrumentation amplifier, filters, DAC, adder, differentiator and integrator circuits, using op-amp.
- Design, Demonstrate and Analyze multivibrators and oscillator circuits using Op-amp
- Design, Demonstrate and Analyze analog systems for AM, FM and Mixer operations.
- Design, Demonstrate and Analyze balance modulation and frequency synthesis.
- Demonstrate and Analyze pulse sampling and flat top sampling.