Anjuman Institute of Technology and Management, Bhatkal signed an MoU with Bangalore Aircraft Industries Limited, Bangalore on 17th October, 2018. Officials from both the sides signed during the event. Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed Bhavikatti, Principal, AITM, Bhatkal and Mr. Girish, Director of Bangalore Aircraft Industries Limited, Bangalore were represented from both the sides. The students of Mechanical Engineering will be highly benefitted with this MoU. The students will play a key role in technological upgradation , innovation and competitiveness with this process. The main objective of this MoU is to enhance students skills and knowledge.
The MoU is signed to fulfill the following objectives:
1. To give internship to the students as part of academic curriculum.
2. Industrial Training
3. Industrial Visits
4. To conduct skill development programmes
5. Project guidance
6. Placement of trained students etc.