Anjuman Institute of Technology and Management, Bhatkal computer science department signed an MoU with I.C.T LABS , Bangalore recently. Officials from both the sides signed during the event. Dr. M.A.Bhavikatti, Principal, AITM, Bhatkal and Mr.Fayaz, proprietor of I C T Labs Mangalore were represented from both the sides. The students of computer science Engineering will be highly benefitted with this MoU. The main objective of this MoU is to enhance students skills and knowledge.
The MoU is signed to fulfil the following objectives:
1.Industrial Training and Curriculum Design
I C T Labs will give valuable inputs to the AITM Computer science branch in teaching/training methodology and suitably customize the curriculum so that the students fit into the industrial scenario meaningfully.
2. Industrial Visits
3. Skill development programmes
4. Project guidance
5. Placement of trained students
6.Guest Lectures
7.Faculty Development Programs